Getting Started With Google Analytics

in this blog I will tell you how to set up your Google Analytics Account setup use this link to go to Google Analytics

click on sign in You can add GA account and also set up the Account just following the below steps

you can use here email id that you used for creating a blogger Account

Click on start measuring

Give Account Name

and we can leave these check boxes as it is

next step is Property Details Set up

Property: Represent the Online business or NTT just like zomato or google is property

you can write here website name also it would be blog name

note : For Analytics blog or Website is Equal

select the property time zone as per your time zone

also, choose your currency here


select your industry suitable category

then Select Business size

Then select

How do you intend to use Google Analytics with your Business

And it is good to go let's click on create

pop up window will open

choose region

check the box And finally click on I Accept

Before going forward You will see the email Notification pop-up for now click on save

for moving forward you have to add data stream which is source of data each property having multiple data streams.

choose platform web You can choose As per your need

give here website same sream name

note : you have to prove here which website you want to track it are you own them om

for do that you have to enter the HTML code in your website

That means if you can edit the website you own the website

which code you want to pass in your HTML head tag known as the Global site tag

click on Global site tag and copy the tag past in HTML code Just bellow the <head> then click on save

this code you have to past on every page code which you want track or measure it .

once You Edit a Code you Will be Able To Track